Friday, January 20, 2012

~Happy Rativersary~

On this date in 2009, I got my first two rats, Shrio and Lily.
Shiro: January 20th, 2009 - August 14th, 2010
Lily: January 20th, 2009 - September 26th, 2011
They were very sweet animals and I miss them very much. <3

Even though they're no longer around, it's still a very important day to me. To celebrate, I decided to give my five current rats a special treat:
Looks gross, huh? XD Well, not to a rat! Whole wheat pasta and carrots! Some of their favorite things!

Charlotte enjoying a noodle ^.^

Mazie taking a carrot!



Emi trying to escape and find more food. XD

They seemed to enjoy their little treat! These are honestly the best pets ever and a girl can't ask for more! <3


  1. so awesome, I love rats and someday I will get some for pets. Yours are beautiful and I have read they can be trained because they are intelligent :)

    1. Thank you [= Yes, they are incredibly intelligent! They know their names, they use a litter box, and they know commands like "go inside" and "give me a kiss"!

  2. Aww I used to have one that loooks like Emi he only lived about 3 years though :/

    1. Yeah /= They're incredible pets, but they just do not live long enough ]=
