Saturday, January 28, 2012

"Bento" Snack Containers

Wow- it’s been a while since I posted. Sorry about that! Life kind of caught up with me. It was a busy week, but I really didn’t do much. Just a lot of practicing music!

Today, I thought we'd take a look at a recycling project.

Milk Jug Containers!
When I first saw these, I knew I had to make one because they remind me of bento boxes.

(Photo Credit to Adventures in Bento Making- it's a great site, check it out! Link)

Basically, a bento box is a Japanese lunch box. To make our “mock” bento box, you’ll need a cleaned milk jug, Velcro, hot glue gun, scissors, and a permanent marker. You may also want paper towel and bug spray.

Using the permanent marker and the pictures as a guide, mark where you will cut on the milk jug. The milk jug has four seams along the edges, and one seam along the bottom. It helps to use those seams as a guide for cutting.

Carefully cut along the lines. It helps to cut the handle off first.

If there is any permanent marker left- a paper towel, some bug spray, and a little bit of elbow grease will take it right off.

Glue on Velcro to hold the lid shut. Make sure to firmly hold the Velcro while the hot glue is drying, so the hot glue will better adhere to the jug.

Then, decorate the lid any way you want! I’ll do a little tutorial on how I did my design another day!

Fill with food and enjoy!

No, a traditional Japanese boxed lunch does not include Captain Crunch, but that’s all we had in the kitchen. XD

This is another idea from FamilyFun magazine. Link


  1. I suddenly want to eat some Captain crunch !!

  2. That's so cute! Is it a sturdy box? I guess it doesn't matter if it is or not, because the Totoro trumps practicality, but if it is sturdy, that's perfect!

    I want some Captain Crunch now, too.

    1. It's okay, sturdy-wise. I wouldn't suggest sitting on it. XD I think it'd be good for sandwiches instead of using those zip-lock sandwich bags. XD

  3. This is so creative and resourceful! I'm making sure my roommate saves her milk jug for me!
