A dear friend of mine recently taught me how to play Magic: The Gathering.
Even though I don't have any sweet Planeswalker-skills [yet], I'm totally in the game and I can't wait until I have some extra cash to start buying and building decks and such.
Speaking of buying decks- I was browsing the Internet today, looking for life counters.
The life counters that Wizards of the Coast are making right now:
Photo Cred: Link
Basically, it's a $10 piece of plastic with a two dials. In my opinion- that's $10 I'd rather not spend. So, if you're sick of tracking you life with good old pencil and paper, here's the solution I came up with:
I used a piece of photo paper with the Magic card baking printed on it, box board, glue, a paper fastener, a copy of the dial (below), a ruler, and scissors.
Cut out a piece of box board that is the same size as the card. Then cut out a circle for the dial. The inside circle on a roll of masking tape made for a good tracer. Make small holes in the exact center of each with the tip of the scissor.
Glue the center of the dial to the center of the dial. Obviously, I need to go back to the 8th grade and take geometry again- my "center of the circle" is not exactly the center!
Cut a small rectangle about a fourth of the way down from the top.
Stack the three pieces together and put the fastener in. Put a little glue on the top and bottom of the card, so it sticks to the backing. Make sure to not get any on the dial or it won't work!
Pretty simple, huh? XD
This looks cool, going to give this a try 👊