Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Pi Day Pie

Pi Day <3

I like to pretend I can cook, but I'm not very good at it. So, I came up with this super simple, but totally impressive, pie that anyone can make to celebrate everyone's favorite number.

You'll need one and a half cups of crushed graham crackers, one fourth cup of sugars, five tablespoons of butter, a package of your favorite pudding, milk, and some sprinkles.

Start by mixing the sugar and crushed crackers together. Stir in the butter.

The mixture will be kind of dry. Pat it into a glass pie pan.

Let it chill in the fridge for about an hour. Once the hour is up, prepare the pudding as the package says to. If it calls for two cups of milk, I suggest using only one and three fourths so the pudding is a little thicker.

Pour the pudding in the crust and stick back in the refrigerator for about an hour.

I created a stencil by printing and cutting out this image [Link] on card stock. When you lay the stencil over the pie, be careful not to push it into the pudding.

*Carefully* remove the stencil and you're done! Easy as pie! =p

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