Sunday, March 11, 2012

Magic Deck Boxes

A dear friend of mine recently taught me how to play Magic: The Gathering.
Even though I don't have any sweet Planeswalker-skills [yet], I'm totally into the game and I can't wait until I have some extra cash to start buying and building decks and such.

I was browsing the Internet the other day and I found this sweet papercraft for Magic deck boxes. They were designed by a graphic artist in Dallas by the name of Matthew Milam. His work is awesome.
Check it out: Link

The boxes he made definitely turned out better than mine, but they were still a lot of fun to make! Plus, they're nothing more than card stock and glue, so they're super simple to make. The only thing I don't like about them is that they're not sized to accommodate a deck with protector sleeves. When my printer has more ink, I think I'm going to try to printing off the papercraft a little bit larger than original size to see if I can get a deck with sleeves to fit.

1 comment:

  1. Oooh, I don't play Magic, but that's really cool! The book binding is classy.
